Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day was kinda stressful for me. Why do special occasions have to revolve around food? I had to make nice and eat so that family won't notice how little, I really eat lately. Afterwards, I feel so guilty, like I want to crawl out of my skin. Went to supermarket and bought a 12 oz. bag of prunes to get food out of system. Ate it, while I drank lots of cold water. Tomorrrow, I plan to eat nothing during the day and just eat steamed veggies at dinner. I will do at least 1 hr. of exercise. I've already lost 22 lbs. in the last 6 weeks.


  1. don't understand about the time stamp, this was posted at 1:50 am on 05-11-09

  2. 22lbs in the last six weeks!! WOW!

  3. 22 lbs. in 6 wks. might seem like alot, but I had to do some serious restricting. I had gotten into the habit of eating a big bowl of ice cream with crushed cookies every night. So by eliminating all junk food,I was able to drop the first 10
