Monday, June 22, 2009

Dental Drama

It's 2:20 a.m., here in New York City. I had a dental appt. on saturday. The visit was for teeth extraction. The Dental Surgeon, removed 2 molars on the left side in my upper gum and 1 molar in my bottom gum on the same side. It was okay, 'cause there was no pain whatsoever. Bleeding was minimal. Some swelling, but it went down quickly that same day. I can't eat solids, 'cause I have a stitch where each molar was. I got 2 prescriptions filled. Ibuprofen for pain and Amoxicillan to prevent infection. I bought yogurt and soup before going to my appt. I've been eating that since saturday. I haven't purged for 4 days. I got my period on saturday morning, so I haven't seen the numbers go down on the scale. I feel alot lighter. I know that once I finish with my period, that the numbers on the scale will start going down fast. I bought a bag of prunes, to help accelerate the weight loss, but not eating them yet. After my appt., I went shoping by myself. I needed to get Father's Day gifts for my dad, brother-in-law and my fiance. Got everything, went home and cooked a quick meal. I made cheesy rice with broccoli, from 2 packets that I bought and 2 family-size boxes of salisbury steak. Everything was done in less than 30 mins. Of course I did not even touch that food. I ate my soup, like a good girl. My total for the day were 255 calories. On sunday, I went to church for Bible class and afternoon service. There was a special dinner in honor of all the fathers. At my table this lady with her 3 whiny kids sat across from me. I got upset as soon as I saw them sit down. They have no manners and the mother has no control over the kids. I would've left, but my son wanted to eat dinner and cake w/ice cream. It didn't help that we had to wait a long time to get served. I left with a headache and a bad mood. I did not eat and took a plate of food to my fiance. Went home and was thinking that we would all get together at my mom's. I called one of my sisters and she said that she would not be coming over. She told me that she was going to my dad's apartment. So, I quickly got the gifts into a reusable bag and put a snack together and headed over to my dad's with my fiance & son. My sister was there with her husband & son. We had a good time and my dad was happy to see us there. They also had food and cake. I was offered both, but used my teeth extraction as an excuse and politely declined. This dental procedure is a blessing in disguise. It's helping me to say "NO" to food and I have a justifiable reason. The stitches will fall off on their own. I was told that it will take 7-10 days for that to happen. Wonder how many pounds I can lose in that time. I'm drinking lots of water & green tea with berry tea, and they both have zero calories. I get a little hungry, but it makes me feel good to deny myself all that fattening food. My mother sasw me eating a bowl of mixed veggies the other night. She asked if that was all that I would be having for dinner. I said "yes" and she said that I needed to eat meat. I told her "NO, there's no need for meat. I can get protein from beans and dairy products". First she used to say that I was eating too much food and junk food. Now she's critisizing my food choices. She needs to make up her mind & mind her business. She tells me to not get as skinny as I was before like in 1998. But that's exactly what I plan to do. I'm 5 feet 6 inches and I don't think 150 lbs is too skinny. I felt good at that weight. Might go down to 145 lbs., but no lower than that. I still have a ways to go, but know that I can do it!!! I'm happy to see that I now have 19 followers. I wish to thak each one of you who read my blog and those who write me comments. I appreciate your encouragements and tips! Take care my sisters!!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. 150 is so NOT too low. I am the same height as you and my ultimate goal weight is 130 (though apparently 115 is still considered healthy).

    I read a comment you had left on someone's else page about how you used Ana to lose 92 lbs once before. Will you share your story with me? It is very similar to where I am right now. Before I had kids, I was 145 and a size 10 and I was pretty much happy with my weight (though some days I still felt like a cow!!) I'd really love to talk to you about what you have been through.

  3. OH hey I didn't notice that you have to approve comments! I kept posting because I thought something was wrong with my browser!! Ooops!!

  4. I'm almost 5'6 and weight 145. I got down to 135 but I had no muscle tone. I was skinnier and fit into smaller stuff but like I said, no muscle tone so I could squish into whatever. It was kinda gross. I thought it would be ok to weight a bit more and be toned. I don't look fat, apparently. I still feel fat. I've been in and out of fatness and skinniness and my parents change their minds too. It annoys me. I go through times where I am very hard on my body and I'm focused on doing everything and anything to lose the weight. Now, I still feel like even though I'm apparently "not fat" it's not good enough because it apparently "never will be". Ultimately I just want to be happy at around 140 fit and toned. How I will get to that and how long it will take, I do not know. Good luck to you. Don't kill yourself in the process of reaching your goal.

  5. Ahhh, the drama of family dynamics ! Are you still planning a move to Pa.? I can't immagine living in N.Y.C. What a fantastic city, it would wear me out living there.

    You wondered about changing the name of your blog, how about Hungry Hungry Hippo like the 70'S kids game ? I loved that game, my gandparents hated it because it was loud.

    Good luck with everything, I'll be reading.

  6. hi. Movicol is this bulking agent it comes in drink form and it helps bulk up ur stools so u can pass them. They arent that effective for me as I totally abuse them and now have to take like 18 when ur only meant to need 1 or 2 a day! xx
